StEP Projects

StEP focuses its projects and activities on five life cycle areas – design, production, usage, reuse and recycling, final disposal - which are carried out by its diverse members network. Project results support three broad domains:
- reduce adverse environmental and human impacts resulting from improper e-waste management
- implement the waste hierarchy by reducing the generation of e-waste, promoting repair and reuse and supporting material recovery
- re-consider the design of products to support repair, re-use and recycling ideally out-designing hazardous elements.
Learn more about our projects
Partnership models between the informal and the formal sector
The target of this project is to develop recommendations on how partnerships between the formal and informal sector can be successfully developed/scaled up. The findings of the project will be compiled in a StEP White...
Jobs and e-waste
The projects focuses analysing the potentials for job creation along the e-waste management chain under different framework conditions. It looks into the treatment of any kind of EEE and includes activities in all global...
Visionary Paper
With the visionary paper StEP looks beyond daily routines and into future challenges and opportunities in the sector of e-waste management. It anticipates to initiate first public discussions in this area and making it possible for governments and companies to address it...
Business Plan Calculation Tool
The StEP Business Plan Calculation Tool supports entrepreneurs in setting up an economically viable e-waste recycling business in an environmentally sound manner. The tool can also be used by policymakers to...
Person in the Port (PiP)
The StEP Project “Person in the Port (PiP)” has been satisfactory completed by StEP members BCCC Africa and UNU with support from US-EPA and BMZ/GIZ and the final report is now available here (directer link zum report...
Transboundary E-waste Controversy Map
Solving the E-waste problem requires clear international rules and effective implementation of transboundary movement (TBM) policies. Beyond the wide-spread perception of e-waste shipments being...
Implement best management practices for used electronics in West Africa
Under United States Environmental Protection Agency (US-EPA) funding, StEP works with stakeholders to develop an e-waste management pilot system for developing and transition countries. Initial focus was...
Support of a sustainable e-waste management system in Ethiopia
Recognising the growth of the ICT sector in Ethiopia, the Ethiopian government and international partners collaborated to develop an e-waste management strategy for the country. Through this StEP pilot project...
Quantification Activities & E-waste World-Map
The Annual Digital Dynamic Reporting of the E-waste StatuS (ADDRESS) is an overarching methodology that facilitates the quantification of the size of the e-waste problem. Ongoing StEP member activities have...