
StEP is based on a Memorandum of Understanding, signed by all members, which clearly outlines the basis of cooperation between the members as well as the purpose and objectives of the initiative.
The supreme body of the StEP Initiative is the General Assembly which decides the general direction and development of the initiative. The General Assembly meets once a year physically to discuss future focus projects and areas of work.
All members are invited to join the General Assembly.
Learn more about our structure
StEP Staff
The Management Board acts as the operations, coordination and communication (internal & external) hub of the StEP Initiative. The Management Board is led by an Executive Director and supported by respective staff. The chair of the StEP Supervisory Committee is also a member of the Management Board.
StEP Supervisory Committee
The role of the Supervisory Committee is to provide guidance and support to the Executive Director in order to meet StEP’s objectives.