More than 75 people attended StEP-GIZ Webinar

On 31st October 2018 StEP host a webinar titled “E-Waste Challenges in Latin America and the Caribbean: Identifying best practices” in cooperation with GIZ Proklima. During the webinar Daniel Ott (Reverse Logistic Group) presented an overview of the status of e-waste management in the region, Victoria Rivera (Ministry of Environment of Peru) highlighted the recent and planned developments in Peru, Diego Escobar and Nidia Pardón (Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development of Colombia) reported on the status and upcoming changes in Colombia with special focus on Cooling and Freezing Equipment.
The agenda attracted a wide range of participants – in total more than 75 people joined the webinar and engaged in the discussion.
In case you are interested in more information about the webinar, please contact Elisabeth Smith or Miriam Frisch.