Data Optimisation for Secondary Raw Materials
A cornerstone of the European Investment Plan (EIP) on Raw Materials is the development of the EU knowledge base on primary and secondary raw materials, commenced by a series of European-funded projects such as the ORAMA project (Optimising quality of information in RAw MAterial data collection across Europe).
ORAMA focuses on optimizing data collection for primary and secondary raw materials in the Member States of the EU. It addresses specific challenges related to data availability, geographical coverage, accessibility, standardisation, harmonisation, interoperability, quality, and thematic coverage in Member States. The project is now nearing its close and wishes to share its results and present to key stakeholders the methodologies it has developed around raw material data collection in the EU.
The ORAMA project has the honour to invite you to join us in our Webinars to be held in the autumn of 2019. Materials will be based on the ORAMA Workshop that was organised together with the Raw Materials Information System Meeting at the European Commission’s Joint Research Centre in Ispra, Italy, on 11 to 12 June 2019. The webinars will provide an opportunity for learning more about the data optimisation and data harmonisation for primary and secondary resources. Specific tailored-made topics for each sector will be addressed.
MIN Webinar
The technical guidelines presented in this webinar should assist those working with mineral resources and harmonisation of raw materials data at country level to Extract, Transform and Load (ETL) the data to INSPIRE databases.
In addition, the examples of national data set harmonisation of primary and secondary raw material information with INSPIRE compliant protocols will enable successful collection of data, the harmonisation of national information must be carried out with the use of INSPIRE compliant classification that is established in an Excel form entitled as a code list, then transferred to Access relational database. Once the harmonisation of national information is established it should be used to set up the database ready for harvesting (in PostgreSQL).
Moreover, the harvesting system for collecting and validating data proposed in ORAMA establishes, improves, extends and disseminates the national geological databases to the common European geological data infrastructure.
Date: 30th of September 2019 from 11:00-12:00.
Battery and Vehicle Webinar
The battery webinar aims to present harmonisation options and guidance to stakeholders who are involved in the reporting of batteries placed on the market and waste collected, and obtain input on efforts to align the various battery classifications between Member States. Furthermore the webinar will provide a discussion on what data is necessary to work towards closing materials loops from battery flows in the future. The workshop will raise awareness of the importance of improved reporting practices for batteries to better monitor CRM flows in Europe.
The vehicle webinar aims to provide an overview of the availability of data for informing circular economy policies related to passenger vehicles in Europe, to highlight data gaps, and to present options for improvement. We will discuss these issues in view of recent and ongoing technological trends such as the growing market penetration of electric and hybrid-electric vehicles and increasing amounts of embedded electronic devices. This webinar will be held in conjunction with the webinar on batteries.
Date and time: 16th of October 2019 from 14:00 – 15:30.
WEEE-/PV Panels Webinar
This webinar will focus on data optimisation for secondary raw materials from WEEE in general and PV panels in particular. An overview of current reporting practices, available information and data gaps will be presented. This will be followed by a description of the different, stakeholder specific tools designed by ORAMA based on conducted case studies and other funded projects to improve data harmonistation, availability, quality and interoperability. The WEEE tools focus on systematisation of type and composition of (W)EEE (UNU keys) and the determination of scavenging (sampling protocol). The tools for PV panels aim as well at a systematic description of the composition and at the generation of transparent data sets (data collection protocol, sampling protocol). Further, for both questionnaires for data gathering were constructed.
Date and time: 17th of October 2019 from 14:00-15:30.
The target group for our webinar vary from representatives of ministries and authorities, the industry, recyclers, science and experts. The ORAMA project continuously involves targeted end users to achieve the best possible support for improved data collection on SRM.
Please register for the different webinars here: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/o/orama-project-consortium-26376601743
If you are interested to follow ORAMA activities, please register as a stakeholder of the project, and subscribe for future editions of the Newsletter:
The latest ORAMA Newsletter is available at:
Welcome to our Webinars! ORAMA Team
Date: 30th of September 11:00 – 12:00 60 min |
i) Data Optimisation for Secondary Raw Materials from Mining Waste. Presenting organisation: GEUS
Date: 16th of October 2019 14:00 – 15:30 90 min |
ii) Monitoring the material flows of batteries and vehicles in Europe: data requirements, current reporting and improvement options. This webinar will focus on the following questions related to material flows of batteries and vehicles in Europe:
Date: 17th of October 2019 14:00 – 15:30 90 min |
iii) Data Optimisation of Secondary Raw Materials from WEEE/ PV Panels in Europe