Quantification Activities & E-waste World-Map

The Annual Digital Dynamic Reporting of the E-waste StatuS (ADDRESS) is an overarching methodology that facilitates the quantification of the size of the e-waste problem. Ongoing StEP member activities have substantially contributed to the e-waste data needed for the ADDRESS strategy.
Current and future ADDRESS results on e-waste amounts contribute to the StEP E-waste World-Map. This novel e-waste world map provides comparable, country-level data on the amount of EEE put on the market and the resulting amount of e-waste generated in most countries around the world. In order to ensure comparability of data across countries, the map’s source data has been assembled according to a common definition of EEE, as well as of e-waste.
The data will be updated regularly to incorporate additional data (e.g., imports and exports) and enable up-to-date comparisons. Additionally, as a supplement to the primary data, this e-waste world map also provides links to relevant e-waste rules, regulations, policies and other useful resources.